Benefits of Attending Home and Garden Shows This Spring

Benefits of Attending Home and Garden Shows This Spring

Do you have a case of Spring Fever? When the snow melts and new buds are on trees, a new crop of home and garden shows also emerges. Even if you don’t think you have a green thumb and even if you’ve never been to one of these shows before, consider making it an excursion this year.

Benefits of Attending Home and Garden Shows This Spring

Whether you live in a condo or a home, are an experienced gardener or can’t keep a plant alive on your windowsill, there are many benefits of going to a home and garden show. It’s something you will want to add to your calendar this year!

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Why Should Homeowners Attend a Home and Garden Show?

Omaha has many exciting home and garden shows, and there are several reasons you’ll want to attend one:

  • There is no better way to find out about the newest trends and technologies. New plants, tools and resources are launched every year, and often, they appear at shows before they make it to your local nursery or gardening store. If you want to see what’s hot this year, a home and garden show is your best bet.
  • They are a wonderful source of inspiration. If you’re not sure what to do with your property this year or just don’t feel inspired by spring cleaning or gardening yet (like how to deal with mushrooms on your yard), you’ll certainly get some great ideas and some zest for refreshing the look of your garden.
  • They provide an ideal opportunity to try your hand at gardening. Never gardened before? Home and garden shows have resources to help you get started, and speaking with vendors can help you get some great advice for your first garden. Many home and garden shows also have special events and even workshops where you can learn the basics or advanced solutions (like a microbial aeration introduction) designed for experienced gardeners.
  • They are an excellent way to meet local professionals. Nature’s Helper has booths set up at local shows, so feel free to say hello. If you are looking for a service professional, repairs, landscaping help or any other services, home and garden shows let you compare and find out about options in your area. Pick up a few brochures and business cards, so you know where to turn when you need assistance.
  • They can help you save time and money. By having a ton of resources and solutions in one place, finding everything you need is easy. In addition, many vendors have special deals just for attendees, so you might be able to save some money, too.
  • They let you try before you buy in a fun environment. Home shows are just a fun atmosphere and make a great excursion. Best of all, they allow you to try different products and see demonstrations, so you can get a better sense of what might work in your own home.

How to Make the Most of a Home Show

Of course, attending a home show is only part of the magic. To make the most of it, follow these tips:

  • Plan ahead. Before you show up, look up the events and vendors and decide where you want to visit and what you want to see. Download a map so you can get to the areas that interest you.
  • Leave some space for serendipity. Don’t over plan. Leave yourself some time to wander around and peek at those areas you don’t necessarily assume are your priority. Inspiration can strike anywhere!
  • Stay organized. Have a way to capture information. Take photos or make notes in a notebook, so you remember what you have learned during the show. Once you get home, keep the flyers, brochures and other materials you have in a file folder or binder so that you can use them to jump-start your plans for your home.
  • Follow up after the show. If you have met any vendors you think might be helpful to you as you start on your spring plans, contact them. Keep in mind that many professionals will become busy quickly after a show, so you will want to get on their calendars promptly.

Trust Nature’s Helper for Your Sprinkler System Needs

If you need any help with a sprinkler system this spring, you’ll want to reach out to Nature’s Helper quickly, before you need your sprinkler. You can always contact us or request service online. If you’d like to speak to a member of our team, you can also call us at (402) 334-2625. Whether you attend many home shows or none at all, if you need help with your sprinkler systems, contact Nature’s Helper — the Omaha-area professionals with more than 20 years of experience.


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Updated: 4/25/2019